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72问皮埃罗 / 硅谷的秘密



感谢大家订阅皮埃罗·斯加鲁菲(Piero Scaruffi)的钛媒体72问.知识专栏《硅谷的秘密》。我是今天的提问者赵何娟。 在上次课程里,皮埃罗有提到在硅谷社会文化中,重视技术具有很大的影响力,那么教育对硅谷有什么影响呢?哪些方面的教育影响最大呢?硅谷的居民会有自我教育的习惯吗?什么样的教育活动在他看来是最好的?


That's a lot of things where there are many different opinions. I personally think that education is very important and again Silicon Valley is lucky that it attracts the best students from all over the world, I always joke with my chinese friends I always say, thank you very much china for sending so many students to Silicon Valley. It is true the Chinese students are always among in the top one percent. So I personal think that education is very important. 


I personally think that university is very important and the education is very important, even high school, this is so much evident. In my opinion I still was the a went to a school in Cupertino. there was one of the first schools to offer classes on computers. Now you see that even simple things you see are important this was. Of course, other people who say, well there's so many people who never graduated and change the world you know the Google kids. So many people drop schools and these are people without a degree, so what's the big deal about studying? They didn't study but all the people in their organization did study. Those companies are full of PhD, graduates and they’re very very smart students. So I personally think that education is very important and it might be the most important is mathematics. First is that transistor, the computer, the internet all these technologies at the end of the day, mathematics is the foundation in artificial intelligence. A sufficient elegance is all computational mathematics.


There are countries like china that have excellent education. What we call STEM, science, technology, mathematics, engineering, mathematics but then they don't invent as much as other countries. So if you ask me one thing it's important to have that basic education but I personally also would like education to be about creativity which is not so simple it's much easier to teach mathematics than to teach creativity how can I make sure that the child will be a creator not just a robot the repeats what you learn that's not so easy so it is a very difficult topic and I don't know. 


So that's my personal feeling is that art, music, poetry, all these things can be very helpful because when you design a new computer you don't use music but music can open your brain to being creative. So personally I think that it's a mistake that education is only about science technology engineering and math. So now we talk about STEM where you have a name for art. I found that several things that mixes art technology and science, one is called the LASER. LASER is Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous, and I started them in 2008 in San Francisco then then then I also started them at Stanford university and then friends started them in Washington, Los Angeles, New York, Toronto, London, Berlin, Paris. So now they take place in thirty universities of the world and the idea is very simple. 

我个人感觉是艺术、音乐、诗歌的都能帮助学生更具创造性。在你设计新电脑的时候,你用不上音乐,可是音乐却可以帮助你开发和利用大脑。所以,我觉得如果教育只有科学、技术、工程和数学的话,这就非常糟糕了。所以我们现在会讲到的把艺术与现有的技术相结合。我2008年,我在洛杉矶开办了LASER (Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous),之后有在斯坦福、加州大学伯克利分校、巴黎、华盛顿、纽约、多伦多、伦敦、柏林等地的30所大学进行LASER TALK。

It's an evening where you put together artists and scientists, and it's a very simple idea but as you can tell now a lot of people like it. Now it could be that when I die people would remember me for the Lasers not for all the books I wrote.


but it was actually very simple idea and these evenings are interesting for me because what first of all, I learn a lot of things that I didn’t know but it's interesting the audience you know we live in such a specialized society you are supposed to be a specialist in your job that people come to this evening and they all is like watching a Hollywood movie they are shocked. I didn't know that this exists now. You see, the scientist they look at the presentation of an artist and the shocked you know like they've just heard a new scientific theory. And they just watched some pictures or some videos an author and, you see, also scientists sometimes shocked they hear another scientist and they didn't know. 


Before coming here, there was one of these laser seminars and one of the most famous biotech scientist I was shocked to hear these are the guy talking about neuroscience. I mean, you are working in biology and you don't know these things about neuroscience. Yes, that's the world today. You know if you are a scientist you just doing your research you have your students helping you with your research and you don't talk to somebody the next building especially universities like Stanford they are so big they are becoming city states. You know and they don't talk to each other so so it's really interesting to see the benefits of making and forcing them to speak you know you are here the same evening you listen to each other. 


And of course, the audience some of the very recent one they came to listen to the biologists because he's famous is one of the first people who was using wearables to predict his health and so on. And but then this audience had to listen to the other two scientists and artists and so and their reaction is always “ah I didn't know that this exists” and then I found that the last festival life art science technology last festival and the last festival is a weekend event for young people basically were the artist actually create art with science and technology so you see really the new science and technology and the artist interpreted their own way, right? And these things in my opinion are really useful to foster creativity and if you go back to the story I told you the beginning of Silicon Valley that was actually very important. 

在最近的一次活动中,听众去听了著名生物学家的讲座, 他非常出名,因为他是最早使用可穿戴设备检查健康状况的人。但是听众听其他两个科学家和艺术家讲话时,每次都会感到很惊讶,觉得“噢,我竟然不知道某个事物的存在!”上一次生活艺术科技节就是这种的情况,而这个活动基本是为年轻人所举办的。在那里,艺术家是在用科学技术来进行艺术创作。艺术家也使用独特的方式来诠释技术。我觉得这些活动对提升我们的创造力是很有帮助。如果你再想一下我跟你讲过的硅谷故事,你就会发现艺术都很重要。

A lot of that technology was used originally not to make products and my favourite story is robots in Silicon Valley. Robots were invented for basically for Detroit. Robots were very stupid machine actually for a long time, they were just doing the same job over and over. In 1968 or I think1969, the SRI laboratory that I mention for the internet. It's alright developed this robot called the Shaky. Shaky was the first, let's call it general purpose robot, the first robber he was really trying to be intelligent. It was it was planning its actions there was a very interesting project and a lot of papers were published but then the robots disappeared from Silicon Valley. Now which is the big country for Robots Japan and Germany. 


You know and it sounds like robots disappear from the bay area then in 2004 and 2005, you suddenly have a Willow Garage,the robot operating system is developed at Stanford and today Silicon Valley is one of the top areas for robotics. How is it possible to between 1969 and 2004, there was nothing and then suddenly we are again so strong? Well it's not true the robots disappeared actually. Because if you also consider the society. Actually, society like robots, it's kind of a strange thing but there were groups of people we just had fun with machines. And the most famous is the Survival Research Labs, the survivor research labs. 

在2004年2005年,硅谷突然做出了Willow Garage,其操作系统是斯坦福研发制作的。现在硅谷的机器人科技很顶尖。当时在1969年到2004年,硅谷在机器人领域还是一片空白的。但为什么我们会突然在这个领域变得这么强大?其实硅谷的机器人并没有消失不见。如果你考虑一下社会因素,硅谷社会很喜欢机器人,机器人很新奇,有一些人喜欢跟机器人玩耍,最著名的还是生存研究中心(Survival Research Labs)。


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