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72问皮埃罗 / 硅谷的秘密



感谢大家订阅皮埃罗·斯加鲁菲(Piero Scaruffi)的钛媒体72问.知识专栏《硅谷的秘密》。我是今天的提问者赵何娟。在上一课中,皮埃罗批判了彼得·蒂尔的“教育无用论”,并直言,如果你想要从事技术行业,你就必须接受教育,而且必须要能够终身学习,那么我们应该给年轻人什么样的教育呢?


Now the discussion we can have again is what kind of education they should give you. So that's why I think being creative is so important and it's not only me . Stanford there are more than twenty programs about creating, about interdisciplinary education, so realize that the future is not specialist. You can be,you can be but it's dangerous to be a specialist in one thing and not knowing anything about the rest, very dangerous. Today you are studying biotech, you convince the future but five years from now neuroscience discover something and the future becomes something else. so if you have an interdisciplinary education and they taught you also have to be creative. Then you'll be okay I think you'll be doing very well. My opinion is that in the future there will be very good jobs.


That's also misleading that the media that is misleading. They always scare people with this idea that in the future there will be no jobs or the jobs will be horrible. The opposite. I was going to build all these robots and if robots become more intelligent who's going to build intelligent robots who is going to control them and this will require more skills not less skills it you really see today I mean it's anybody who is in that artificial intelligence is paid twice, not half,. 


Now you get you need more and more skills and that will be the same in the future and you have to be very creative to understand the how to control a society, how to work in a society of intelligent machines. The more intelligent the machine the more intelligent people have to be. So the people are left behind, clocked. In the United States we had this dramatic problem of all these nice people who didn't want to go to school, it's a bitter field. People didn't want to go to school they spend their life, with humble jobs. The very nice people they have a family children. I have nothing against them but now they're all desperate because their jobs disappearing. 


Who needs the factory workers so many of these jobs, of course is disappearing when the machines can do the same thing they can do it better twenty four hours a day. Why should I use you? You know you should be building the machine,  not trying to compete with the machine. So this problem. It's already here and not the paradox. We have this millions of people they don't want to study and now they are competing with the machine. Of course, the machine wins. It’s cheaper and doesn't break, doesn't get sick.


And at the same time, in Silicon Valley we desperately needed more people to build those machines. I mean we are we are getting immigrants from alone the world we are extremely upset with a stupid president we have now that wants to block immigration. We need more and more when we did want more students from China, more from India, more from everybody. You know on one hand you have millions of people didn’t study, they are losing their jobs. 


But at the same time we are creating so many jobs and we are willing to pay a lot of money, how can these people not to realize? It’s crazy. There are jobs, there are so many even some of the kids grew up in Silicon Valley they grew up there. Is it possible that today you work in McDonald’s.  So my opinion is actually opposite of his opinion my opinion you have to convince people to go to school and stay in school for a long time.



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    2018.05.25 23:50 via iphone

Oh! no


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